Finsterau Open-Air Museum
Denk-Haus for young people
The house provides education through experiences. The museum uses the handed-down house name "Denk-Haus", which generally means "house for thinking".
A woodcutter's small farm
The Denk-Haus, located just outside the museum gates, is the only in-situ building at the open-air museum. It is a farmhouse built in 1925, which combines the home, stable and barn under one roof. The building is on its own 3.6 hectare plot of land, an eruption from the historic Finsterau open-field system. In the west, the area extends as far as the Reschbach, which is the border to the Bavarian Forest National Park. The long sides are bordered by rock fragment walls, an abandoned irrigation ditch divides the plot crosswise.
A farmhouse for encounters and education
The Denk-Haus was renovated and converted into an educational facility for young people in 2018/19. The municipal owner of the Finsterau Open-Air Museum received substantial financial support from the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
For information on what is on offer, please contact: Julia Herzig, Museum Education Officer on +49 8557 9606 18 or by e-mail
The Bavarian Forest National Park, State Forest, rural cultural space, open-air museum's historical agriculture and nearby historically transformed cultural area of the high Bohemian Forest come together at the Denk-Haus. The density of the landscape's cultural heritage in the immediate vicinity of the Denk-Haus is unique.
Funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Picture: The Denk-Haus, also called the Lenzhaus for some time and later called the Schusterhaus, around 1970